Saturday, May 28, 2011


So yes.....less than a week of "blogging" and my page doesn't work right.


I thought....this seems fairly simple.  Doesn't have to be all crazy complicated.  Just whip together a few templates, colors, basic instructions.....then go out and corral a few of the stampeding thoughts rattling around my brain at any given time and....  Wait.  The "followers' gadget isn't working.  Really?  Sometimes they show on the home page.  (All two of them).  Sometimes they don't.

C'mon!   You need this part to work right.  Reload.  Reset.  Delete.  Reapply.

Yeah, no.

So I do what any techno-savvy  does and I google it.  And search help.  Find lots of hits.  But....

Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.  NOTHING that any of these threads suggest will alleviate the problem.


No real profound, gritty, or particularly insightful thoughts here tonight, folks.  Just some good old fashioned ripping on the failings of the digital age.

Boo technology.

Gonna go read my book.


1 comment:

  1. T, I have similar problems. Don't know what to tell you. I am "following" you and am supposed to get your updates in google reader. But you are not even there. Go figure...I'll keep checking!!
