Thursday, May 21, 2015

Well friends, I said I would be back...

I just didn't expect it would take me four years.

Four years full of changes too overhelming to recount.  At least not neatly or succintely.

So what did I miss?  What did I gain?  What did I lose?  Why did I surrender this side of me?  The words used to flow so freely, so much that I needed this type of net to catch them.  Now everything I write seems trite and contrived...Like I am forcing the words simply because I want to revive this blog.  This one thing that I started that was just...mine.  My life is not my own, you see.  Hasn't been for as long as I can remenber.

Bleh.  Hoping my whole 3 followers have somehow lost the link to this.  Maybe initially I needed to return just to talk to Tanya.  Maybe this will get her attention.

Peace to all